Browse Articles By Tag: stretch marks
Stretch marks are a common cause of concern for most of us, there is good news. There are plenty of things you can do and apply these things to reduce the appearance of your stretch marks if not completely eradicate them - read on and learn how!
17.11.2016 · From TheAuthor
The best stretch mark remedy is time. Eventually, your stretch marks will fade and get thinner. The only quick pregnancy stretch mark remedy is also a controversial one – laser surgery. Learn more about pregnancy stretch mark removal here!
29.07.2016 · From TheAuthor
Stretch marks are not sexists; they love to show up on the male skin just as often as they appear on female skin. Skin basically is skin and when it becomes stretched due to rapid weight gain or the body experiences a rapid growth spurt and the skin it stretched the...
13.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
Do you remember benzoyl peroxide? Those who are young today most likely never heard of this product, but for those who experienced their adolescence in the 1920s, this substance was considered a godsend in the fight against acne, the condition that seemed to spell the...
13.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
If you know your way around the skin care aisle of your local supermarket or cosmetics store, then you know that once you pass by the legions of soaps, body washes, and moisturizers, you will eventually end up in the little section devoted to skin toners. (...)
11.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
For centuries the healing powers of the Aloe Vera plant have been chronicled. Since the very time that the medicinal properties of the aloe plant’s sticky sap running from any of its broken leaves have been substantiated, numerous herbal healers have gone to great...
10.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
The importance of eating a balanced diet is well known to anyone who cares even remotely about the body’s overall health. You know that a healthy amount of protein needs to be balanced with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats in order to ensure your...
08.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
In a day and age where body art is once again heavily in vogue, ageing punks and former non-conformists now find that the dragon tattooed on a once youthful chest filled with vim and vigor is beginning to sag a little and no longer seems to be as fierce as it once...
06.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
No matter how diligently you apply creams, lotions, oils or how expensive they are, there are times when there just is no avoiding those stretch marks of pregnancy. The abdomen expands rapidly from month four on and it is this rapid growth that causes the stretch...
06.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
Stretch marks are also called Striae. They are bands, stripes or lines that are seen on the skin in areas where you usually have fat deposits such as the buttocks, abdomen, thigh, arms, belly, hips and lower back. (...)
05.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
Stretch marks are not painful, but they can tingle or itch. Approximately 50% - 90% of pregnant women develop stretch marks sometime during weeks 18 through postpartum. They mostly occur during the end of pregnancy, as that is where the skin becomes stretched. (...)
04.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
Where there is a buck to be made, the Internet and hundreds of sites selling thousands of products are not far behind. This is true for almost any ailment or condition, including stretch mark prevention. (...)
04.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
Laser Surgery Laser surgery is expensive, not usually covered by insurance, as stretch mark treatment is considered cosmetic in nature. Laser surgery can cause more scarring and or pigment changes. Results of laser surgery effectivness are inconclusive. (...)
02.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
In a day and age where someone is always on the lookout for the latest cure and gimmick, it is not surprising to once in a while hear about the application of a perfectly useful cosmetics product in a way that has you thinking twice. (...)
02.04.2013 · From TheAuthor
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